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10 Tips to get the MOST out of your HIIT Workout

10 Tips to get the MOST out of your HIIT Workout

10 Tips to get the MOST out of your HIIT Workout

By Steffani Clark from Moms On The Clock

1- Don’t work out on an empty stomach. You need your fuel. Plenty of carbs and protein at least an hour before should set your body up for optimum energy.

2- Have a water bottle nearby and the appropriate gear for the work out. Light weights (or cans of soup) and a resistance leg band.

3- Make sure you have plenty of space and the right environment for 20 minutes of exercise.  These workouts can be done right in your living room! Just make sure you can move a couple feet in either direction so you don’t kick a hole through your couch!

4- Turn some fun music on in the background while doing this workout. It will allow you to get pumped but also hear my prompts. Once you get used to the workouts, feel free to mute me and turn up your music as loud as you want!

5- Do some simple warm-ups before beginning your work out. Lightly jogging in place, arm circles or jumping jacks for a couple minutes should get you ready to go!

6- Take it easy! If you start off at 100%, you’ll be spent in a matter of minutes! Remember, you’ll be going hard for 20 minutes so pace yourself.  

7- Don’t be afraid to ditch the weights or the band at any point in the workout.  You’ll get stronger the more you do these workouts!

8- Allow your heart rate to come down gradually.  Keep walking, moving and stretching for a couple minutes once the workout is complete.

9- Try to eat right after your workout. It’s important to refuel your muscles and allow them to get the most out of your work out. Protein and carbs in a 3 to 1 ratio is best. Get ready for some great lean muscle results.

10- Follow the calendar and do a different hiit workout each day. By the end of the week, you’ll have worked each muscle group and even done some ab-work each day. Taking a two day hiit-break for the weekend will help your body recover and be ready to start over on Monday! 

Check out this awesome HIIT workout by Steffani.

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We still want our booties 🍑 looking good even if the world is ending, right ladies?! Seriously though, the gyms are closed and we’re starting to lose a little sanity. I’ve got your back! . . I’m PUMPED to finally release (and the timing has been impeccable), my At-home 4-week HIIT workout program! A different muscle group each day (abs included) and full instructional videos to follow along with! . . Head over to the blog 👉🏻{ also linked in the bio} where you can snag this program which includes: videos, a calendar, tips to make the MOST out of your workout, recipes and more. . . I’ve actually been doing my own workouts this week and I’m SORE and I’m STOKED about it! Ha ha. I think I’m hooked on this 20 minute HIIT workout thing. Enjoy! ❤️ Steff . . #athomeworkout #fitness #athomeworkouts #workout #homeworkout #homeworkouts #bodyweightworkout #strength #personaltrainer #workoutathome #fitnessmotivation #coronavirus #fit #covid_19 #wod #motivation #socialdistancing #workoutfromhome #grow #exercise #calisthenics #fitfam #bodyweightexercises #bodyweighttraining #change #strengthtraining #workoutmotivation #quarantine #chestworkout #momsontheclock

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